About Dick.Run

  • 25th Dec 2024
  • 2 min read

DickRun NFTs are an exploration of our world through uniquely-shaped GPS routes layered on top of abstract maps, serving as a critique of car-centric urban/suburban landscape design.

By overlaying phallic-shaped routes onto stylized maps, the project humorously highlights the dominance of concrete and the lack of human-scale design in our cities.

Each NFT features a unique route visualized with an elevation-based gradient, representing the suppression of natural cycles and the creeping monotony of concrete as it encroaches upon the landscape. The GPS route data is embedded in the NFT media as a “Proof of Space and Time,” adding a layer of authenticity and permanence to the artwork.

DickRun aims to raise awareness and spark conversations about creating more sustainable urban/suburban environments friendly to people and all living organisms alike.

The Routes

Each route points to an area of interest within a geographical area. Routes are often created in the shape similar to the name of this website, but not always.

Why dicks? Dick-shaped routes serve as a symbol for some of the dickish ways we design and manage our built environments.

The Art

The GPS data recorded from each run is used as the foundation for unique, digital art pieces made available to buy and sell on the internet. They serve as a representation of the energy (and bodily fluids) that went into creating and executing each run.

The resulting digital art becomes a part of a collection that represents a geographical area of the world, typically a metropolitan area. A completed collection serves as a sort of guide; a dick runner’s guide to place.

The Posts

Each Dick.Run is introduced with a post describing the route and the surrounding area. We share the GPX data so you can experience the same route yourself, preferably with a gaggle of friends.

We also share present-day observations of the area, an interesting historical fact or two, and maybe some ideas on what might make the place even better; friendly to humans and all living organisms alike.

The Goals

We have a few goals for DickRun:

  1. To bring a little more joy into the world.
  2. To gently encourage deeper connections with self, place, and source itself.
  3. To promote walkability in our built environment and designing on a human scale; for people, not cars.

Don’t be a dick. Run one.