The Big D
Big D is a DickRun NFT art project that uses GPS drawings (often dick-shaped) on abstract maps to criticize car-centric design in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas.
The project highlights how urban and suburban spaces prioritize cars by showing the overabundance of automobile-oriented infrastructure at the expense of building places on a human-scale.
Each unique artwork uses real GPS data with colormaps reflecting elevation changes, symbolizing the natural landscape often hidden by seemingly endless expanses of asphalt and concrete.
DickRun aims to spark conversations about building more sustainable, people-friendly cities that prioritize walking, cycling, public transport, and cars.
All posts
001. The $1.52 Billion Dollar Dick
Welcome to DFW, home of the largest and most expensive dick drawing on the planet.
002. Morning Wood.s (My Very First Dick Run)
A hike in the woods on a hot August morning in 2019.