The Big D

Dallas. My home since birth. There are parts I love, and parts I … well, parts I believe can be greatly improved.

My love for the DFW area has grown over the years. With more life experience, I see more beauty. And with this love, I want to go deeper.

A love letter

This project is a love letter to my home.

A letter of gratitude for what it is and what it most certainly is not. A letter that calls out the dickishness of the past and of the present. And a call to action for making the DFW area better not only for every human, but for every living organism in the area and beyond.

Viktor Frankl wrote in Man’s Search for Meaning that true love sees potential and wants to see it realized. I believe Dallas and the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas has a lot of room to improve various aspects of life that would make it better for everyone. But we must first see and understand our current reality, and understand our past before we’ll be able to create a better future.

Unique routes

It brings me great joy to stop my GPS watch after a run only to be greeted by a route in the shape of a dick. I like to have childlike fun while working on things I deeply care for. And to me, one fun thing is drawing dicks on foot while pointing out interesting things along the way.

But of course it doesn’t always have to be a dick. And there will be more unique routes, sometimes as a symbol of something important about a particular place.

Interesting places

I’ve always loved sharing places with people. If I’m showing you a place, it means I care about it and I care about you.

The DFW metroplex has tons of interesting places. I thought I knew this area fairly well, but the more I dive into this project and explore the area, the more I uncover. At this point, I feel like I’ve only scratched the surface.

The Big D project has a focus on DFW, or the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas.

The NFTs

There will be 100 GPS routes represented in the Big D collection, followed by one piece that summarizes the collection and the DFW area itself.

Each run, or set, will have at least 8 unique digital art pieces (NFTs), sometimes up to 16. Each piece will be offered at 0.222 XH or 0.333 XCH with a 5% royalty attached for future sales.

Each route set will include two different backgrounds: light and dark, with at least four different colormaps. A few special ones will get something entirely different, depending on what I’m feeling and have time to create at the time.

More details available in the metadata, and upon each release.

In closing …

Most importantly, I want to do my part in preserving awareness of the fact that you can have childish fun and work on serious stuff at the same time. I want to do my part in bringing joy and making a part of our world hopefully a little better.

I think many of us could use a lot more play in our lives … so let’s get out in the world and play together, yeah?